Tūmanako is a pastoral initiative of the Diocese of Palmerston North.
This initiative celebrates our unity as the people of God in this time and place. And we celebrate this unity in the context of hope; hope in Christ, hope in faith, in love and in the gifts we are given.
In the context of tūmanako/hope, we will look back at where we have come from, marking our 40th year as the Diocese of Palmerston North. We will explore where we find ourselves now, even in the midst of local and global challenges. And we will invite God to continue to lead us, to reveal to us where we are being called and how we should strive to live.
It has been a hard year so far, but despite this, Pope Francis encourages us to consider that hope should be the air that we breathe. Hope enables peace and joy to enter our lives in new ways. Hope enables us to cling to God in both times of challenge and celebration.
This new initiative aims to provide articles, videos and resources for both individuals and communities across the Diocese of Palmerston North to be United in Hope.
We are being called to seek hope in our own lives. To bring hope into the world by the way we live. To be missionary disciples by living our faith in this time, place and circumstance in transformational ways. We can’t do any of this on our own; we are made to journey through life with others, we are called to be disciples within a community and to notice the ways that hope can also be revealed through our unity.
We invite you to join us, to unite with us, as we continue growing in the life of faith while seeking the gift of hope.
Ko tēnei te kaupapa ‘I te Tūmanako o te Kotahitanga’ he take mahi tiaki a te hāhi o Te Rohe Pīhopa o Te Papaioea. Kei te whakanui i a mātau ngā tāngata o te Atua i tēnei wā, tēnei wāhi hoki, ko te tūmanako i roto i a Hehu Karaiti, i roto i te whakapono, i te aroha o ngā hōmaitanga arā ko ngā taonga.
Ko tēnei te tau hou Māori kei te tukuna atu ngā mihi nunui ki te Rohe Pīhopa nei mo ngā tau ‘Whā tekau’.
Ka taea e mātou ki te āta tirotiro tātou i a tātou i roto i tēnei ao hurihuri nei.
Kei te whakakahangia e te Popa a Werohiko e ngā tūmanako e te hau i hāngia.
Ko te rangimarie te hari me te koa i uru mai ki roto i ngā ara hou o ō tātou oranga. Me mihi kau ana ki ā koutou e ngā pononga.
Nau mai ki tēnei whārangi ipurangi kia honoa mai tātou ki roto i te tūmanako, te whakapono, te rangimarie me te aroha.
Kia puāwaitia i tēnei kaupapa ‘I te Tūmanako o te Kotahitanga’.