What is a Diocese?
The meaning of “diocese” is to be found in the meaning of “Church.” The meaning of Church is to be found in the mission of the Son and the mission of the Holy Spirit, who were sent to make known the Father’s love for his creation. That’s where it starts.
It’s purpose is to be the kind of community in which our lives reflect God’s love for the world – a love that saves and transforms. That is what it means to be God’s people – a people consecrated to His purpose and His glory.
From This is Your Diocese, 1982
What is the Diocese of Palmerston North?
As the Diocese of Palmerston North, we reach from the mountain in the north to the Manawatu river in the south, from Mokau across to Wairoa, and from Foxton to Eketahuna.
This is the “portion of God’s people” that make the one, holy Catholic and apostolic church present in this time and this place.
From the 2008 Pastoral Plan for the Diocese of Palmerston North
The founding documents of the Diocese of Palmerston North (below) are those in which Pope John Paul II established the diocese and appointed its first bishop, on 23 March 1980. Prior to this the parishes, priests and people of the Diocese of Palmerston North were part of the Archdiocese of Wellington.
These documents are on public display at Te Rau Aroha – the Diocesan Centre, in Palmerston North.

The crest chosen by Bishop Peter in 1980 features the contours of our diocese with Christ’s words after his resurrection “peace be with you” coming down to us from the mountain (which in scripture and Māori tradition is a holy place.)
This crest acted as both personal for Bishop Peter in his role and for the whole diocese while he was in leadership.
The current logo for the Diocese of Palmerston North is based on the carvings that adorn the entrance of Te Rau Aroha – The Diocesan Centre. The pattern represents our journey, one not just of the past, but of the present and the future.
The diamond shape could be seen to represent the four sides of the diocesan boundary. The green of the logo represents new life and the ever evolving nature of the church, the faith and our diocese.

Our Diocesan Song – Te Rau Aroha
Music by Jenny McLeod
Words by Korty Wilson