Home 9 Uncategorized 9 Individual Discernment Process | Synod 2021-23

An article shared by

DoPN Synodal Team

Published on

October 27, 2021

Individual Discernment

If you wish to make an individual response, then this simple process may help you develop clarity about what you want to say.

Take some silent time to pray about how you will arrive at your response. Don’t focus on the theme initially. Instead seek the freedom to follow where God leads, to let go of any bias or negative feelings, and ask for the patience to allow your response to evolve over time.

After a time of prayer, reflect upon the words:
“A synodal Church, in announcing the Gospel, “journeys together”.

  • What is my first response to these words?
  • Am I led towards any particular theme?

When you come to consider one of the themes, be willing to first let thoughts and feelings which may be influencing your response to surface:

  • How do I feel about this theme?
  • Are my feelings the result of my experience? Are they influenced by other people?
  • What happens if I bring my imagination into play?
  • What is God saying to me about this theme?

Negative thoughts and emotions or feelings of anxiety triggered by the theme get in the way of hearing what God is saying. We know we are listening to God when our thoughts are refreshing, peaceful, generate new inspiration and ideas, and direct us beyond ourselves.

    Make notes as you reflect for use in preparing your input to the consultation. Share your response in a group or send it directly to the Diocese.