Home 9 Resource 9 Ko te Wā o te Aweneti | The Season of Advent

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November 24, 2022

The four-week Season of Advent is a time of prayerful and practical ways to prepare for the celebration of Our Lord’s birth on Christmas Day. Christ was born to bring hope to a darkened world. The Season of Advent offers us a new beginning and a promise of hope for better times.

Ko ngā wiki e whā o Aweneti he wā karakia mo te whakariterite me te whakanui i te whānautanga mai o te Ariki i te Rā Kirihimete. I whānau mai te Karaiti hei kaikawe i te tūmanako ki tēnei ao pōuri. Ko te Wā o te Aweneti he wā o ngā tīmatanga hou, o te oati tūmanako mō ngā rā ki mua.

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