United in compassionate love | Kua kotahi i roto i te Puaroha

Home 9 Article 9 United in compassionate love | Kua kotahi i roto i te Puaroha

An article shared by

Sisters of Compassion

Published on

September 27, 2023

Celebration Sunday is a day when parishes and communities in Aotearoa New Zealand are invited to pause, reflect, pray and remember Venerable Meri Hohepa Suzanne Aubert. We especially remember on this day, her spirituality, good works and compassionate love for those in need.

The theme of ‘United in compassionate love – Kua kotahi i roto i te Puaroha’, has been chosen based on the readings for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time year A. This year also marks the 100-Year Anniversary of the founding of the Nurses Training School by Meri Hohepa Suzanne Aubert. The missal readings for Sunday 1st October speak of the ‘holiness’ of the disadvantaged, of the need for discipleship, and in trusting God to show the way. These ideas relate well to Meri Hohepa Suzanne Aubert’s life, work and the compassionate love shown by the Sisters of Compassion.

This year too we are guided by Suzanne’s own words:

“Let us have nothing so much as to work for the good of all”
Kia haere rawa kore ana tatou, koia, ka manaakihia te katoa.

Below are a range of prayer resources and stories provided by the Sisters of Compassion to mark Celebration Sunday. 

Intercessory Prayer

It is common practice among Christians to ask one another to pray for a particular need, “Please pray for me.” Prayer is directed to God. So in the case of Suzanne Aubert, our friend, we are asking her to join us in praying for a particular need.

Statement of Faith

We believe in God’s everlasting love for all, and that through faith and great confidence in that love our petitions will be granted. Therefore in the desire to promote God’s greater honour and glory we gather together to pray through the intercession of Suzanne Aubert for the healing of ………………..

Prayer for the cure

God our creator,
The life of Suzanne Aubert powerfully expressed the compassion of Jesus for the sick.
Now we ask you to grant, through her intercession, the complete cure of ………………..
In gratitude we pray the prayer of Suzanne Aubert


Suzanne Aubert pray for us (3).

Prayer for the Beatification of Suzanne Aubert

Lord Jesus Christ, you taught us that as often as we show compassion to the least of your brothers and sisters, we show it to you.

Hear our prayers that Venerable Suzanne Aubert, who loved the Māori people and devoted her life to the poor, the sick and the underprivileged, and whom the Church has declared to be one of your true and humble followers, may soon be recognised as a saint.


The Lord’s Prayer for Everyone – Ta īnoi A Te Ariki Mā Te Katoa

As we celebrate the 100-year Anniversary of Meri Hōhepa Suzanne Aubert setting up the Nurses Training School, our hearts and minds are drawn to those currently in the nursing and medical professions.

To support nurses and medical professionals in their work, we wish to highlight two prayers from Father James Lyon’s new book, ‘The Lord’s Prayer for Everyone – Ta īnoi A Te Ariki Mā Te Katoa’.

It is our hope that those currently serving and ministering to the sick, elderly and infirmed in our communities will gain strength from these prayers.

Fr James’ publication ‘The Lord’s Prayer for Everyone – Ta īnoi A Te Ariki Mā Te Katoa’ is available to be ordered from the Sisters of Compassion online store here.

Historical Story

In 1923, in the last years of her life, Meri Hōhepa Suzanne Aubert established a Nurses Training School at Our Lady1s Home of Compassion, Island Bay, Wellington. Prior to this Suzanne and the sisters had completed a course with the newly formed St John Ambulance Association. Suzanne was determined that her sisters receive the best possible training to care for those in need. It was important to her that the training was recognised by the State. In that year, 12 sisters passed, two with honours. This year we celebrate the 100-Year Anniversary of the first nurses training class.

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