Take a moment to still yourself. Take a deep breath and ask God for a renewed sense of presence with you in this moment.
Readings of the Day
1 Kg 8: 22-23, 27-30: You have said, my name shall be there, to hear the prayers of your people Israel.
Ps 83:3-5, 10-11: R. How lovely is your dwelling place Lord, mighty God.
Alleluia Alleluia! Turn my heart to do your will: teach me your law O God. Alleluia!
Mark 7:1-13: You put aside the commandments of God, to hold on to human traditions.

It is worth reflecting on the words of Monsignor Gerard Burns at Waitangi in 2019.
‘Because of the Christian involvement in its signing and the Church’s mission to bring about a better world we can mark Waitangi as a significant spiritual event and a time to pray for the land and its peoples. We can give thanks for the gift of being here, ask forgiveness for the wrongs of our history from which some have benefited and some have lost, and re-commit ourselves to work for a more just society.’
You may also be interested in the homily given by Cardinal John Dew at the Interdenominational church service at Te Whare Rūnanga, Waitangi. 6 Feb 2020.
Click here for full homily.

For true partnership living together in peaceful relationships:
May there be a true desire among all in Aotearoa to grow more culturally aware and inclusive communities, schools and workplaces through inclusion of the Māori language, tikanga and understanding of a shared spirituality of our Christian tradition.
E te Ariki
Whakarongo mai ra ki a matou
For those in government:
May leaders of all nations demonstrate religious tolerance and inclusion so that religious freedom and protection is preserved.
E te Ariki
Whakarongo mai ra ki a matou
You might compose more prayers seeking forgiveness, giving thanks, re-committing ourselves towards justice and increasing religious tolerance.
Prayer for Waitangi Day
God of reconciliation, You made people in your likeness, and you call us to hohou rongo – reconciliation – with you, and hohou rongo with each other. Let us give thanks for the good will and aroha that New Zealanders have for one another, and for the progress made in healing the things that divide us. Steel us. Give us kaha – strength – for the challenges ahead and the work yet to do in our nation. Like a covenant that unites us together for all ages, help us to use the Treaty to build bridges across our ignorance. Help all New Zealanders to join hands in friendship and seek the way of peace together. As we protect each other’s interests, as we partner each other in our mutual needs, as we participate together in our common good, may we remember the high intentions our founders had for each other.
Mā tō mātou Ariki mā Hehu Karaiti, Āmene
Published in Caritas Companions February 2011

Closing Karakia
E te Ātua e aroha mai ana ki a mātou
God who loves each one of us
Ko ōu iwi katoa hei iwi mō mātou
All your people are our people,
Awhinatia mātou ki te mārama tetahi ki tetahi
Help us to understand each other
Kia whakapaingia tōu Hahi,
Let your Church be blessed,
E mahi tahi ana I roto I te kōmunio tuturu
As we work together in true communion.
Korty Wilson was the Kaiwhakarite Māori Apostolate for the diocese from 2018 – 2022. In this video she introduces the hymn ‘Te Rau Aroha’, which she wrote for our diocese in 2019.
English Translation
This is us
From Te Rau Aroha
The Diocese of Palmerston North
The call which goes out
That stands
For the love (also a reference to our place Te Rau Aroha)
That gathers us and binds us
Binding us Together.