Home 9 Article 9 A Sacred Journey | Pilgrimage in the Jubilee Year

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Published on

March 3, 2025

Prayer of Unknowing

My Lord God,
I have no idea where I am going.
I do not see the road ahead of me.
I cannot know for certain where it will end.
Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so.
But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing.

I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire.
And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road, though I may know nothing about it.
Therefore will I trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death.
I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.


Thomas Merton OCSO

Pilgrim’s Prayer

Dear God,

We ask your blessing as we travel today in spirit;
Guide our minds as we learn of those who came before us, traversing the pilgrim way.

Give us a hunger to seek your face in paths through fields,
along roads trod by many seeking the blessing of your presence.

Nurture our fellowship
And help us to see each other as a brother or sister
Sharing the journey to your blessed kingdom.


Nineveh Murray

What is a Pilgrimage?

A pilgrimage is not simply a journey to a sacred place; it is a spiritual encounter, a step beyond the ordinary, an opportunity to deepen one’s faith and draw closer to God. As Pope Francis reminds us, a pilgrimage is not a vacation but a time of reflection, prayer, and renewal. It is a chance to seek grace, to open one’s heart to conversion, and to journey with a spirit of hope and trust in God’s providence.

Pilgrimage has been an essential part of the Christian tradition for centuries. Pilgrims set out for many reasons: to seek forgiveness, to fulfill a vow, to offer prayers for loved ones, or simply to be still in God’s presence. Walking in the footsteps of saints and encountering places where God’s grace has shone in a particular way can bring about profound personal transformation.

Pilgrims of Hope – The 2025 Year of Jubilee

 Pope Francis has declared 2025 a Jubilee Year under the theme Pilgrims of Hope. In his papal bull Spes non confundit (Hope does not disappoint), he calls on the faithful to “fan the flame of hope” and embrace the future with an open spirit and trusting heart. This Jubilee is a time for renewal, a time to rediscover hope amid the challenges of the modern world. As pilgrims, we walk not only towards sacred sites but also towards a deeper trust in God’s promises, knowing that hope sustains and strengthens us.

In this spirit, Bishop John has expressed his wish that all members of the Diocese undertake some form of pilgrimage during this Jubilee year. There will be two opportunities to join a Diocesan pilgrimage to Hiruhārama-Jerusalem, a place of deep historical and spiritual significance in Aotearoa New Zealand: one on Saturday 8 March, the other later in the year. 


Nestled along the Whanganui River, Hiruhārama is a place rich in Catholic and Māori history. The Catholic mission was first established here in 1854 by Fr Lampila, a priest of the Society of Mary. Though the mission declined after the battle of Motua in 1864, the arrival of Suzanne Aubert and the Sisters of St Joseph of Nazareth in 1883 breathed new life into the faith community.

Suzanne Aubert, a woman of great vision and compassion, worked tirelessly to rebuild the church after a fire in 1888, believing that since a Pākehā had destroyed it, a Pākehā should help restore it. It was in this humble settlement, gathered around the Patiarero Marae, that the Sisters of Compassion were founded and formally recognised by the Church in 1892. To this day, the Sisters continue to be part of the local community, holding the sacred status of tangata whenua.

A pilgrimage to Hiruhārama is more than a visit to a historic site—it is a journey into the heart of faith and service. Pilgrims will have the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of Suzanne Aubert, reflect on her legacy of hope and charity, and spend time in prayer at St Joseph’s Church, a place that has been a beacon of faith for generations.