Revitalising Parish Life | A Vision for Renewal in the Diocese of Palmerston North

Home 9 Article 9 Revitalising Parish Life | A Vision for Renewal in the Diocese of Palmerston North

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September 1, 2024

Bishop John Adams has a bold vision for the Diocese of Palmerston North—a vision rooted in a profound commitment to parish renewal. In June this year, he sent a team from the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit to the Catholic Parish Summit in Harrogate, UK, to explore how this dynamic movement can breathe new life into parishes across the diocese.

Held on 12-14 June 2024, the Summit focused on renewing parishes to be missionary and apostolic at their core. Designed for anyone involved in parish ministry, from priests to lay leaders, its aim was to inspire and equip Catholic leaders to drive their parishes toward mission and evangelisation.

Reflecting on his decision, Bishop John explained, “I sent this team to Harrogate because I wanted them to catch that bug about parish renewal, and I intend as best I can to make that a focus in this diocese. Every parish should be undergoing a process of renewal.” His words underscore a desire to see parishes reawakened, vibrant, and driven by mission.

This commitment to renewal stems from a deeply personal journey. Bishop John shared his experience from his time in Christchurch following the devastating earthquakes. The initial crisis sparked a surge in community spirit, with parishioners gathering to provide food and support to those in need. However, as the years passed, the once-thriving parish slowly faded into a “large but quiet, nondescript, anonymous parish,” lacking the zeal and missionary spirit that had once energised it.

This experience led him to seek solutions beyond the traditional parish models, discovering the transformative power of parish renewal.

Bishop John emphasised three keys to successful renewal: leadership, the primacy of the Holy Spirit, and evangelisation.

Cindy Nguyen, Donna Brown and Fr Vui Hoang at the Catholic Parish Summit in Harrogate

“It’s not a human project; it’s a divine project. It’s a supernatural project… We stop putting all our energy on the inside of the parish and start to go out to the world, saying ‘we are custodians of the greatest love story ever told — come and see.’”

Alongside the team from the Cathedral, representatives from other parts of the Diocese and throughout Aotearoa New Zealand also took part in the Catholic Parish Summit.

The Harrogate summit left a lasting impression on those who attended. Donna Brown, the Pastoral Coordinator of the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, described the summit as “a life-changing and transformative experience.” Donna highlighted the powerful Masses, the inspirational keynote speakers, and the deeply moving healing sessions. “The key to the renewal of parishes is to offer an encounter with Jesus to everybody, including those who attend Mass regularly as well as those who are seeking.”

Donna’s key takeaway from the summit emphasised the importance of allowing the Holy Spirit to work: “Give the Holy Spirit the time and space to work miracles; there is no rush or need to hurry.”

Cindy Nguyen, the new chairperson of the Cathedral Parish Council, also shared her transformative experience at the Summit. “It was a blessing to attend alongside fellows from New Zealand and around the world. Before the trip, I didn’t know much about Parish Renewal. However, the Holy Spirit shone a light on me, especially as we’ve been working tirelessly on our Strategic Plan with limited visible results. The summit reminded me that we are not alone; prayer is the heartbeat of parish renewal, and with the Holy Spirit, we can move forward without fear.”

Presenter Fr James Mallon being prayed over before speaking

Reflecting on a powerful presentation by Fr. James Mallon, Cindy noted, “Clear vision is a turning point for parish renewal. We must pray hard, look closely, step outside the box, and create a vision that’s global but acts locally.” Cindy’s experiences in the breakout sessions on Stages of Renewal and Transforming Sundays to Mission gave her renewed inspiration and practical insights that she hopes to bring back to her own Parish.

Hastings Parish Priest Fr Marcus Francis, who has been working on parish renewal since 2017, described the experience as transformative: “The faith, energy, and zeal I encountered in Harrogate took things to another level from what I had experienced elsewhere.

“The speakers were amazing, and the teaching profound. So much of what I had already learned was put in perspective and given new motivation. I felt re-energized and committed to work for parish renewal and not be dominated by the ‘tyranny of the urgent.’”

Fr Marcus has already begun to implement changes in his parish. “Back in the Catholic Parish of Hastings, I have initiated the Senior Leadership Team to work specifically on parish renewal. I have worked with the Youth Group to implement changes to the liturgy both before and during Mass on Sunday evenings. I have begun to work with RCIA and others involved in the sacraments of initiation to have them as a part of the wider parish life. Finally, I will look to start a synodal process throughout the parish to renew its vision and carry it forward through a prioritization of evangelisation.”

Fr Simon Story of New Plymouth also reflected on the life-changing experience of attending the summit. “The Catholic Parish Summit provided an opportunity for leaders of parishes to come together and learn from other missional parishes and leaders in evangelisation in the UK. We came away knowing that when parishes turn their attention outwards, make evangelisation their key pastoral ministry, and lean into the power of the Holy Spirit, the kingdom of God grows, and the whole parish is renewed and benefits in a multiplicity of ways.”

In an effort to extend the momentum gained from the Harrogate summit and foster further collaboration across the diocese, the Catholic Parish of New Plymouth will be hosting a Divine Renovation Open House on November 22 and 23. This event, supported by Bishop John, is designed to build up parishes and reignite a passion for mission within the community. The Open House will focus on the three keys of leadership, the primacy of the Holy Spirit, and evangelisation, offering practical workshops and resources to help parishes implement these principles.

Bishop John encourages representatives from all parishes in the Diocese of Palmerston North to attend this event.

One of the Masses celebrated at the Summit

In his words, “We are custodians of the greatest love story ever told,” and through parish renewal, he is determined to share that story with the world, igniting a new era of faith and vitality in the Diocese of Palmerston North.

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