“Go and Invite Everyone to the Banquet” | World Mission Sunday 2024

Home 9 Resource 9 “Go and Invite Everyone to the Banquet” | World Mission Sunday 2024

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Dio Comms Team

Published on

September 23, 2024

October is traditionally observed by Catholics around the globe as Mission Month. It is the month that unites Catholics worldwide in prayer, solidarity, and support for the Church’s missionary effort.

World Mission Sunday is celebrated on the second-to-last Sunday of October. It is first and foremost the celebration that all baptised are missionaries. We participate in the Mission of God – to bring the Good News that God is here and wants to give life abundantly (Jn 10:10).

In 2024, World Mission Sunday will be celebrated on 20 October.

Pope Francis’ message for World Mission Day 2024

Go and Invite Everyone to the Banquet (Mt 22:9)

Pope Francis’ message for World Mission Day 2024 centres on the parable of the wedding banquet (Mt 22:1-14). In the story, after his original guests refuse the invitation, the king tells his servants to go to the streets and invite everyone to the feast (Mt 22:9). The Pope reflects on this passage, relating it to the Church’s mission of evangelisation and the ongoing synodal journey, emphasising the Church’s focus on communion, participation, and mission.

Mission: Go and Invite

The Pope highlights two essential elements of mission: “going out” and “inviting.” Just as the king’s servants were sent out to invite guests, the Church is called to go out to the world, tirelessly spreading the message of God’s love. Pope Francis thanks missionaries who have dedicated their lives to this call, reminding every Christian that they too are part of this universal mission. Evangelisation should be done with joy, kindness, and respect, not through pressure or coercion, reflecting God’s own compassion.

The Wedding Banquet: Eschatological and Eucharistic Dimensions

The banquet in the parable symbolises the eschatological feast of salvation, which is fulfilled through Jesus Christ. Pope Francis emphasises that evangelisation is closely tied to the Eucharist, which anticipates the final banquet in God’s Kingdom. Every Eucharistic celebration draws the faithful into God’s mission, renewing their zeal for spreading the Gospel. The Pope calls for a deeper appreciation of the Eucharist’s eschatological and missionary aspects and encourages prayer for the Church’s mission as part of the preparation for the Jubilee of 2025.

A Universal Mission for All

The invitation to God’s banquet is universal, open to all people, regardless of their social or moral status. Pope Francis stresses that the mission of the Church is for everyone and should reflect the inclusivity of God’s love. He calls for a more synodal and missionary Church, where every Christian is engaged in spreading the Gospel. The Pope also reminds the faithful of the importance of supporting the Pontifical Mission Societies, which ensure that resources are distributed to missions worldwide.


Pope Francis concludes by looking to Mary, who played a role in Jesus’ first miracle at the wedding in Cana. He asks for her intercession in guiding the Church to become more missionary and synodal as it continues to share God’s abundant grace with the world.

Resources for Mission Month

MissioNZ and MissioAotearoa are two New Zealand charities under the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS), a network of four distinct societies united in their mission to support the Pope in reaching out to communities and young churches through charity.

They have provided resources for parishes and communities to use during this Mission Month of October.

View some of their resources below, or find the original resources here.

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