UNITED IN PRAYER A PRAYER RESOURCE FOR FAMILIES, INDIVIDUALS AND HOUSEHOLDS.Ascension of the Lord (Year A) Pause Take a moment to still yourself. Take a deep breath and ask God for a renewed sense of presence with you in this moment. Opening Prayer Grant, we pray,...
an advocate | Prayer for the Sixth Sunday Easter
UNITED IN PRAYER A PRAYER RESOURCE FOR FAMILIES, INDIVIDUALS AND HOUSEHOLDS.Sixth Sunday of Easter (Year A) Pause Take a moment to still yourself. Take a deep breath and ask God for a renewed sense of presence with you in this moment. Opening Prayer Grant, almighty...
Way, Truth, Life | Prayer for 5th Sunday of Easter
UNITED IN PRAYER A PRAYER RESOURCE FOR FAMILIES, INDIVIDUALS AND HOUSEHOLDS.Third Sunday of Easter (Year A) Pause Take a moment to still yourself. Take a deep breath and ask God for a renewed sense of presence with you in this moment. Opening Prayer Almighty...
Life to the Full | Prayer 4th Sunday of Easter
UNITED IN PRAYER A PRAYER RESOURCE FOR FAMILIES, INDIVIDUALS AND HOUSEHOLDS.Fourth Sunday of Easter (Year A) Good Shepherd Sunday Pause Take a moment to still yourself. Take a deep breath and ask God for a renewed sense of presence with you in this moment. Opening...
They recognised Him | Prayer for 3rd Sunday of Easter
UNITED IN PRAYER A PRAYER RESOURCE FOR FAMILIES, INDIVIDUALS AND HOUSEHOLDS.Third Sunday of Easter (Year A) Pause Take a moment to still yourself. Take a deep breath and ask God for a renewed sense of presence with you in this moment. Opening Prayer Christ Jesus, our...
Yet You Love Him | Prayer for 2nd Sunday of Easter
UNITED IN PRAYER A PRAYER RESOURCE FOR FAMILIES, INDIVIDUALS AND HOUSEHOLDS.Second Sunday of Easter (Year A) Pause Take a moment to still yourself. Take a deep breath and ask God for a renewed sense of presence with you in this moment. Opening Prayer God almighty,...
He is Risen l Prayer for Easter Sunday
UNITED IN PRAYER A PRAYER RESOURCE FOR FAMILIES, INDIVIDUALS AND HOUSEHOLDS.Easter Sunday (Year A) Pause Take a moment to still yourself. Take a deep breath and ask God for a renewed sense of presence with you in this moment. Opening Prayer Loving God,We celebrate...
BISHOP PETER CULLINANE Address given in Johnsonville in 2018 Our reflections at this time are on HOPE. What does hope mean in situations that sometimes seem hopeless? To address this question, it helps to have some sense of what hopelessness feels like. We...