
Writings from across our diocese and around the world.

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Celebrating Mothers | Reflections for Mother’s Day

Celebrating Mothers | Reflections for Mother’s Day

In the Catholic Church, being a mother is not just about having children: it's a calling from God to raise and nurture them physically, emotionally, and spiritually. As Pope Francis said, "Mothers are the strongest antidote to the spread of self-centered...

Are you willing?

Are you willing?

Each year, Good Shepherd Sunday marks the beginning of National Vocations Awareness Week. To mark this, the two most recently ordained priests for the Diocese of Palmerston North share some reflections on their own vocation.  You can also find a range of stories...

Cyclone Gabrielle | 2023

Cyclone Gabrielle | 2023

Last month, Cyclone Gabrielle caused significant damage to certain regions across the North Island. Homes have been damaged or destroyed, livelihoods have been severely impacted and sadly, some have even lost loved ones.  In the Diocese of Palmerston North, the Hawkes...

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI | 1927 – 2022

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI | 1927 – 2022

On 31 December 2022 at 9:34am (Central European Time), Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI died at age 95. He was the longest-living pope, having surpassed Pope Leo XIII who died at age 93. Born Joseph Ratzinger, he was elected as 265th Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church on...

Reflecting on Mary this Christmas

Reflecting on Mary this Christmas

I tend to think about Mary a lot during this time of year, especially since becoming a mother myself. I was pregnant once during the Advent season, and preparing for the arrival of my own baby at the same time made it feel more real. Decorating the Christmas tree,...

Prophecies + Prayers + Poems | Advent Reflection

Prophecies + Prayers + Poems | Advent Reflection

This reflection comes from a homily Bishop Peter gave in Taradale on the First Sunday in Advent in 2018.The beautiful season of Advent invites us to make our own the prophecies and prayers and poetry of the people of old in their longing for the promised Saviour. We...

The Season of Advent | Traditions for your whānau

The Season of Advent | Traditions for your whānau

Out of all the liturgical seasons in the Church's calendar, I enjoy Advent the most. Not only does it herald the approach of my favourite time of year (hello summer!), I also love the build-up to Christmas and the time spent preparing, planning and reflecting. In the...

Looking Forward | Upcoming Events for Young People

Looking Forward | Upcoming Events for Young People

What's coming up for our young people? Last month brought an end to the Covid-19 restrictions that had been an integral part of our lives for the past 2 years. The government stated it was time to "move forward with certainty" and "turn the page" on this unprecetended...

Step aside and listen carefully | Season of Creation

Step aside and listen carefully | Season of Creation

We have known from an early age that we have four seasons of the year - spring, summer, autumn, winter. We have known most of our lives that we have liturgical seasons - Lent, Easter, Advent, Christmas. We are currently in the liturgical Season of Creation which will...

He wahine whakapono nui | A woman of great faith

He wahine whakapono nui | A woman of great faith

The Sisters of Compassion are grateful that the National Day celebrating the spirituality and good works of Meri Hohēpa Suzanne Aubert, has become part of the National Liturgy Calendar. In 2022 Celebration Sunday will be held on 2 October. Celebration Sunday enables...

A Universal Church | Stories from World Youth Day

A Universal Church | Stories from World Youth Day

Every two, three or four years an international gathering of young people from all over the world is held in a city chosen by the Pope. It is a pilgrimage, a celebration of youth, an expression of the universal Church and an intense moment of evangelization. It brings...

Growing in Synodality

Growing in Synodality

Kia tau te rangimārie ki a koutou,   Over the last few months thousands of people throughout the world have responded to the invitation of Pope Francis to be involved in building a more Synodal church. Through the Synod process, people expressed gratitude for being...

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