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Mary Eastham Receives Queen’s Service Medal for Interfaith Work

Mary Eastham Receives Queen’s Service Medal for Interfaith Work

Dr. Mary Eastham, an active member of the Catholic community in Palmerston North and a dedicated supporter of interfaith activities, finally received her Queen’s Service Medal last week at a ceremony at Government House. Although Mary was bestowed the honour last...

Towards a Fully Human Communication | World Communications Day 2024

Towards a Fully Human Communication | World Communications Day 2024

World Communications Day is an annual celebration observed by the Church on the Sunday before Pentecost. It began in 1967, established by Pope Paul VI. The day is dedicated to recognizing and reflecting on the opportunities and challenges presented by modern...

Towards October 2024 | Phase 2 of the Synod on Synodality

Towards October 2024 | Phase 2 of the Synod on Synodality

The Second Session of the Synodal Assembly will take place from Wednesday 2 October to Sunday 27 October 2024. The purpose of this session will be to continue the work of the Synod on Synodality around the theme "For a Synodal Church: communion, participation and...

National Vocations Awareness Week 2024

National Vocations Awareness Week 2024

The 61st World Day of Prayer for Vocations, also known as Good Shepherd Sunday, falls this year on Sunday, 21 April. It is a day dedicated to recognising the role of Jesus as the Good Shepherd, and to praying for more people to answer the call to religious and...

Hui Aranga 2024

Hui Aranga 2024

The Hui Aranga has been going since 1946. It is a special time for Māori Katorika to come together over Easter to celebrate in kapa haka, kai, whakawhanaungatanga, and te Wairua Tapu o te Hahi Katorika. Fr Chris Martin SM was involved in organising this year's Hui...

Celebrating our Young People

Celebrating our Young People

Young Church is alive and well in the Diocese of Palmerston North!  From learning about servant leadership at YCL to having fun at Life Teen Summer Camp and celebrating our epic youth ministers, have a read of what's been going on for our young people over the past...

Becoming Catholic | Ko te Hīkoi ki te Hāhi Katorika

Becoming Catholic | Ko te Hīkoi ki te Hāhi Katorika

Becoming Catholic - he Hīkoi Taumano involves immersing oneself in a community of believers who embrace the presence of God by opening their hearts and minds to the teachings of Jesus Christ found in the scriptures, celebrating their faith through liturgy, and...

Love Beyond Words | World Marriage Day 2024

Love Beyond Words | World Marriage Day 2024

World Marriage Day is celebrated in Aotearoa on 13 February 2024. Linked with the Catholic Marriage Movement, it aims to honor the foundational role of husbands and wives in families and society, emphasising values such as faithfulness, sacrifice, and joy in daily...

Something great is about to happen | Advent 2023

Something great is about to happen | Advent 2023

The Church welcomes her children to prepare for Christmas each year with a four-week season called Advent. The word 'Advent' comes from the Latin word 'adventus,' which means 'coming.' Perhaps, then, we might ask ourselves who or what is coming in four weeks' time. My...

Half-time for Synod on Synodality

Half-time for Synod on Synodality

After a month of meetings in Rome, the Synod of Bishops' Synod on Synodality has reached half-time, with delegates departing Rome to bring the experience of synodality back to their home countries. In 11 months time or so, the assembly will reconvene. As they headed...

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