Tools for Mission | Pastoral Day Summary 2021

Tools for Mission | Pastoral Day Summary 2021

Pope Francis is calling for us to be a church of missionary disciples. This Pastoral Day was an opportunity for nominated lay leaders to gather with priests from across the Diocese of Palmerston North to explore how we might respond to this call. Around 60 people came...

Stories of transformation. #tryalpha

Stories of transformation. #tryalpha

Alpha is a opportunity to explore life, faith and God in a friendly, open and informal environment. The programme is run all over New Zealand and has done so for many years.  Parishes around the world are finding Alpha to be a integral part of renewal, evangelisation...

Equipping your parish in its mission (a tool)

Equipping your parish in its mission (a tool)

Alpha is a parish tool for evangelisation where everyone is welcome. The same Alpha content is run all over the world, by Christians of all traditions, sharing the good news of Jesus. Each session has three key ingredients: hospitality, talk &...

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