Pope Francis’ vision for parishes

Pope Francis’ vision for parishes

Francis' vision for parishes is that they should be schools of service and generosity, close-knit communities, without bureaucracy and people-centered, with the doors open to everyone. He calls us to be daring and rethink the style of parochial communities, placing...

Stories of transformation. #tryalpha

Stories of transformation. #tryalpha

Alpha is a opportunity to explore life, faith and God in a friendly, open and informal environment. The programme is run all over New Zealand and has done so for many years.  Parishes around the world are finding Alpha to be a integral part of renewal, evangelisation...

Roadmaps for Transformation

Roadmaps for Transformation

In November 2020, a small team delivered the 'Diocese of Palmerston North 2020 Update' in various locations around the Diocese. As part of this 'Update', I delivered a short presentation called 'Roadmaps for Transformation'. This article is a summary of that...

Equipping your parish in its mission (a tool)

Equipping your parish in its mission (a tool)

Alpha is a parish tool for evangelisation where everyone is welcome. The same Alpha content is run all over the world, by Christians of all traditions, sharing the good news of Jesus. Each session has three key ingredients: hospitality, talk &...

Leading a Missionary Parish

Leading a Missionary Parish

From the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne, The Leading a Missionary Parish series offers interactive sessions with global leaders in missionary parish renewal. Missionary parishes transform lives and grow disciples for whom worship and sacraments come to life and...

Resources for Renewal & Mission

Resources for Renewal & Mission

The Melbourne Catholic Diocese has prepared a number of great resources for parishes, helping them discover their mission and set themselves up for renewal. Linked below are some of our favourites.Missionary Discipleship: What it means and why it matters. What would...

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