Home 9 Video 9 A Reflection from our ‘baby’ Priest

A video shared by

Fr Trung Nguyen

Published on

April 25, 2021

Fr Trung reflects on his first year of priesthood and encourages others to consider a similar calling.

National Vocations Awareness Week in 2021 runs from April 25 to May 1.

Hi everyone, I am Fr Trung Nguyen, the baby Priest in the Diocese of Palmerston North. Also, I am the Assistant Priest in the Catholic Parish of Hastings. 

The fourth Sunday of Easter is called Good Shepherd Sunday, the readings today are about the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep. This is the start of the National Vocations Awareness Week, to remind all the faithful to pray for the vocations of priesthood and religious life. There is also a good reminder to all priests and bishops to follow the good shepherd more closely in every moment of their lives. It hasn’t been long since my ordination – this is my first time celebrating Good Shepherd Sunday as a priest. There are challenges in ministry, but the joy of this vocation outweighs those difficulties. I thank God for choosing me to become his instrument, to serve him and his people through the sacraments and pastoral life. It is always a great joy for me to celebrate the eucharist for people and be with them in the important moments of their lives: from baptism, first reconciliation, Eucharist, confirmation, and even funerals. 

Pope Francis announced that this year is the Year of St Joseph. In his vocation, everything that St Jospeh received was sent in the uncertainty of a dream. But he believed and trusted that the Lord had a plan for him. He had the courage to follow his call and remain faithful to it. 

So young people, if you think that the Lord is calling you to be his servant as a Priest, do not be afraid to take the next step. Jesus said “the harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few” therefore pray earnestly to the lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.  

So, to all the Faithful, I ask you to please continue to pray that more men have the courage to respond to the call to the Priesthood. I also want to say many thanks for your prayers encouragement and support to Priests in different ways. God bless. 

Fourth Sunday of Easter/Good Shepherd Sunday 2021