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An article shared by

DoPN Synodal Team

Published on

February 2, 2022

During this significant time in the Church’s history, Pope Francis invited ALL of us to reflect on our faith journey and share our vision for the future of the Catholic Church.

Thank you for your participation!

People across the Diocese of Palmerston North were invited to take some time to consider these two main questions and respond with your heartfelt thoughts:

In your experience, how have you felt welcomed and supported by the Catholic faith community?

In what ways could the Catholic faith community journey with people better?

Together, our prayerful reflections will help deepen and renew the Church’s mission in Aotearoa New Zealand and around the world.

Submissions are now closed.

Classroom Resource

A resource that aims to provide teachers with background material, activities for student participation and information about how to get involved.

Prayer Liturgy

Produced by the Catholic Education Office on the theme of ‘Journeying Together’ for the start of the school year. The outline includes scripture, prayers and song suggestions related to the Synod.

Invitation Videos to Teachers and Students


Newsletter/School App Blurb

SYNOD 2021-2023: A synodal Church needs to represent ALL of us.

During this significant time in the Church’s history, Pope Francis invites ALL of us to reflect on our faith journey and share our vision for the future of the Catholic Church.

Please take some time to consider these two key questions and respond with your heartfelt thoughts:

In your experience, how have you felt welcomed and supported by the Catholic faith community?

and In what ways could the Catholic faith community journey with people better?

Together, our prayerful reflections will help deepen and renew the Church’s mission in Aotearoa New Zealand and around the world.

Visit pndiocese.org/synodinschools to have your say before 31 March 2022.

These poster files can be sent home to whānau with newsletters, posted as an image with the above blurb on the school app, printed and placed around the school or used in any other way that will enable people to know they are being invited to participate.