Home 9 Resource 9 Entering into Holy Week

A resource shared by

Dio Comms Team

Published on

March 21, 2024

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. On Palm Sunday we remember Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, with crowds waving palm branches and proclaiming “Hosanna” as he rode into the city on a donkey. Holy Week culminates in the celebration of Easter Sunday, commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Holy Week is an incredibly important time in the year for us as Christians. In light of this, you might want to brush up on the specifics of Holy Week and the significance of each day. Check out a great three minute summary from Busted Halo on YouTube by clicking here.

How could you enter into Holy Week in 2024 with renewed enthusiasm?

Can you make space to be especially conscious of what you are grateful for during this time?

Below are some resources you can use to enter into this sacred time and experience the fullness of this season.

For the past few years we’ve shared ways you can celebrate the Easter Triduum in your homes.

Although these were developed during the Covid pandemic when we were unable to celebrate the Triduum together in our churches and communities, they are still great ways to consider praying and celebrating this season.

You may like to download a summary of these suggestions here. 

Holy Thursday

Marks the beginning of Jesus’ passion and the way to Calvary.

  • Consider cooking a meal to acknowledge the Passover.

  • Make some unleavened bread. There are lots of simple recipes online for this.

  • If it was possible in your household, you might like to wash one another’s feet. You’ll need a basin, pitcher and towels.

As you wash each person’s feet you may like to repeat this traditional antiphon:“I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.” John 13:34

Good Friday

We enter the solemn time of Jesus’ passion. We made his abuse at the hands of the Romans, the abandonment by his disciples, his labored journey to Calvary and his death on the Cross.

  • Create a cross. If you have a garden, you might be able to find some fallen branches to make into a cross. Place this in a central place in your house or garden.

  • Fasting. This is usually from food but you may also like to encourage your family to fast from other things such as TV, internet, music or movies. If you are at home with your family, maybe set aside an hour of quiet time together.

  • Make your prayer space empty today.

Holy Saturday

We are at the tomb, in the quiet of waiting. In our homes we are getting ready for Easter.

  • Spend the day preparing for Easter Sunday. Take time to prepare food you love, that reflects the traditions you cherish, and that give you joy. If you have children you might like to make some Resurrection cookies.

  • You might like to make your own Paschal Candle for your home, or choose a candle that you will light specially on Easter Sunday.

  • Make your prayer focus simple, include a cross without a corpus, a white cloth to remind us of Jesus’ burial shroud. Don’t include a candle until Easter Sunday.

  • Practice gratitude.

Easter Sunday

Christ is risen! Alleluia! We are filled with hope today because Jesus’ resurrection shows us that nothing is impossible for God.

  • Get dressed up and wear something that makes you feel special.

  • Create a Alleluia banner and put it in your home. Better yet, put it on the outside of your home and share the good news with your neighbours. (Leave it up for the entire fifty days.)

  • Celebrate with a special Easter Meal.

  • Light your own Easter candle. If you can, find some flowers to also include in your prayer space.

Looking for Holy Week Mass Times?

An Easter message from Bishop John Adams

Bishop John has delivered an inspiring message to the faithful of the Palmerston North Diocese in anticipation of Easter.

Some music for the season

Check out our Spotify playlist with songs to help us celebrate the Season of Easter. You can listen by clicking here or clicking on the images below.

Easter Sunday 2024










