In December 2022, the Diocesan Young Catholics team ran a five-day leadership training programme for Year 12 students across the Diocese called 'Young Catholic Leader.' This programme, modeled off the Marist Youth Leader Programme, has been running now for a number of...
Into the Desert l Entering the Lenten Season
It is easy for us to get complacent about things. The more years we spend on this earth, the more likely we are to take things for granted and miss potential opportunities for further growth. The liturgical seasons in the Church are one example of where it can be easy...
Wisdom begins in Wonder
In December 2020, the Diocesan Young Catholics team ran a five-day leadership training programme for Year 12 students across the Diocese called 'Young Catholic Leader.' This programme, modeled off the Marist Youth Leader Programme, has been running now for a number of...
Joyful Expectation | Celebrating the Season of Advent
Advent - Te Wā o Aweneti The significance of Advent The New Zealand National Liturgy Office says that Advent has a twofold character: "as a time to prepare for the solemnity of Christmas when the Son of God's first coming to us is remembered, and as a season...
Making Traditions | Celebrating the Season of Advent
I really love traditions, seasons and celebrations. Advent is no exception and as a season it gets me extra excited because of the anticipation of Christmas, the summer holidays and the end of the year. One of the reasons I love establishing and celebrating various...
Reflecting on Spring
Regardless of whether you go by the astronomical dates or the meteorological dates, spring has now officially begun. Going on mother nature though it can be rather hit and miss to decide when spring has arrived! By the end of September though, the natural environment...
Invoking the Holy Spirit
This is a simple prayer resource based on Richard Rohr's Litany of the Holy Spirit. You may like to pray with each image slowly in silence or choose one of the below songs to accompany your time of prayer. You can click right for the next prayer and click on the image...
Like a Great River – Journeying through Ordinary Time
The New Zealand National Liturgy Office indicates that the second period of Ordinary Time which "runs like a great river through the middle of each year, carrying us through the winter and spring months." Our journey through the seasons of Lent and Easter have been...