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Dio Comms Team

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Pentecost Quiz

Pentecost Quiz

Pentecost is coming up - and we've made another quiz to test your knowledge! How much do you know about Pentecost? Take the quiz to find out (and maybe learn something new)!

Becoming Catholic | Ko te Hīkoi ki te Hāhi Katorika

Becoming Catholic | Ko te Hīkoi ki te Hāhi Katorika

Becoming Catholic - he Hīkoi Taumano involves immersing oneself in a community of believers who embrace the presence of God by opening their hearts and minds to the teachings of Jesus Christ found in the scriptures, celebrating their faith through liturgy, and...

For the land and its peoples

For the land and its peoples

These resources have been compiled from National Liturgy Office's resources Pause Take a moment to still yourself. Take a deep breath and ask God for a renewed sense of presence with you in this moment. Readings of the Day 1 Kg 8: 22-23, 27-30: You have said, my name...

Feast of the Assumption | Prayer Resource

Feast of the Assumption | Prayer Resource

UNITED IN PRAYER A PRAYER RESOURCE FOR FAMILIES, INDIVIDUALS AND HOUSEHOLDS.Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Pause Take a moment to still yourself. Take a deep breath and ask God for a renewed sense of presence with you in this moment. Opening...

En Route to Lisbon | WYD Pilgrimage 2023

En Route to Lisbon | WYD Pilgrimage 2023

World Youth Day (WYD) is a worldwide encounter with the Pope celebrated about every three years in a different country. This year WYD will be held in Lisbon, Portugal. Around 120 young people from Aotearoa have been travelling through Europe to attend WYD, with 11 of...

Body & Blood | Prayer for Corpus Christi

Body & Blood | Prayer for Corpus Christi

UNITED IN PRAYER A PRAYER RESOURCE FOR FAMILIES, INDIVIDUALS AND HOUSEHOLDS.The Most Holy Body and Blood of the Lord (Year A) Pause Take a moment to still yourself. Take a deep breath and ask God for a renewed sense of presence with you in this moment. Opening Prayer...

For Your Sakes Christ Became Poor | World Day of the Poor 2022

For Your Sakes Christ Became Poor | World Day of the Poor 2022

UNITED IN PRAYER A PRAYER RESOURCE FOR FAMILIES, INDIVIDUALS AND HOUSEHOLDS.33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Pause Take a moment to still yourself. Take a deep breath and ask God for a renewed sense of presence with you in this moment. Opening Prayer Grant us, we pray, O...

Credibility | Where to from here?

Credibility | Where to from here?

It was painful reading from those who have felt ignored and excluded and been deeply hurt by the Church, including the personal experiences of abuse, yet the repeated need and desire for a fulfilling Catholic community was clear. Some expressed the need to be clearer...

Support Life Sunday | Tautokona te Rātapu Whakaora 2022

Support Life Sunday | Tautokona te Rātapu Whakaora 2022

Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary time: 9 October 2022 This year the theme chosen by the New Zealand Catholic Bishops for Support Life Sunday is Mental Illness, with the focus on accompanying and caring for people living with mental illness. It is fitting that New...

For a Synodal Church

For a Synodal Church

Pope Francis has approved a dramatic shakeup to the next Synod of Bishops, pushing the physical gathering of Bishops from around world out a year (to 2023) and asking every diocese in the world to begin a local process of listening and walking together in October...

Stories of transformation. #tryalpha

Stories of transformation. #tryalpha

Alpha is a opportunity to explore life, faith and God in a friendly, open and informal environment. The programme is run all over New Zealand and has done so for many years.  Parishes around the world are finding Alpha to be a integral part of renewal, evangelisation...

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